Audition for Vox Musica
We welcome audition content anytime during the season. However, our face-to-face auditions are held at the end of each season during the summer. We seek unique and talented singers to join our family of choral artists. We are looking for singers with experience in choral singing, who have technical command of their instruments, and who can display excellent sight-reading skills. Details for the auditions are as follows:
Choral Artists interested in auditioning for Vox Musica should have experience in choral singing, have technical command of their instrument, and display excellent sight-reading skills. Interested Choral Artists will submit an inquiry email. The inquiry emails will include the following:
1. Contact information: first name, last name, email, phone number, vocal range, and preferred voice part(s) in order of preference.
2. A short description of your vocal/choral musical experience.
3. A digital recording of you singing straight tone and vibrato vocal styles that best represent your voice. This can be demonstrated through a prepared piece(s) or through singing scales and arpeggios.
Following your inquiry, Vox Musica will contact you with either an invitation for a vocal interview or a thank you for the inquiry. If you receive an invitation for a vocal interview, the invitation will include an overview of our concert season, mandatory dates for rehearsals and concerts, and details regarding your in-person vocal interview.
Please note that if you are unable to make the mandatory rehearsals or concerts, we kindly ask that you apply again next season. We are a professionally focused ensemble that expects our Choral Artists to attend all rehearsals and concerts.
The vocal interview consists of an in-person interview with the ensemble and rigorous musicianship/sight reading testing, which includes your ability to sing:
• Major, minor, chromatic scales & arpeggios.
• Sight-read selected solo vocal exercises.
• Sight-read selected choral excerpts with the ensemble.
NOTE: We are an entirely volunteer organization that is professionally focused. Auditioners must be available for rehearsals on Monday evenings in Sacramento, California. Our season runs from September - May.
Inquire Below by August 5, 2024
All potential choral artists must be available for our Vocal Interviews and Call Backs:
VOCAL INTERVIEWS: Sunday, August 3, 2025 (auditions start at 1:00 pm ~ we will schedule your 20-minute Interview after your inquiry, location TBA)
CALLBACKS: Monday, August 4, 2025 (5:30 pm - 9:30 pm, for new members, location TBA)