Call For Compositions
Due: January 20, 2024
Compose For Vox
Multi-instrumentalist Neil Nayyar and Vox Music have teamed up to curate a unique and amazing concert project! This is your chance to contribute to our performance!
We seek compositions for our ASSEMBLAGE: A Concert of Music Featuring Rare and Intriguing Instruments concert project.
We intend to explore the relationship between these rare and intriguing instruments and the choral space. We seek to discover what possibilities might arise when we engage in this unique space. We want to educate our audiences on these instruments and their historical, cultural, and musical contexts.
We seek compositions for women's voices that focus on renewal and healing. These compositions must also be accompanied by one of the rare and intriguing instruments listed below.
Compositions can be already composed or newly composed. We value creativity and ingenuity; so, works that may have been previously written and accompanied by a fairly familiar instrument that you would like to rewrite for one of the rare and intriguing instruments listed below are welcomed. If the work is newly composed, we ask that the work showcase the virtuosity of the rare and intriguing instrument(s) and the capacity of the voices of Vox Musica.
Compositional Guidelines
Compositions must be written or arranged for women’s voices and can be already composed or newly composed:
Already Composed
An already composed work accompanied by one of the rare and intriguing instruments listed below (obbligato, ad libitum, or accompaniment).
An already composed work whose accompaniment is being rewritten for one of the rare and intriguing instruments listed below, cross-genrefying (obbligato, ad libitum, or accompaniment).
Newly Composed
A newly composed work accompanied by one of the rare and intriguing instruments listed below (obbligato, ad libitum, or accompaniment).
Must make use of one of the rare and intriguing instruments listed below. However, we have the capacity to perform in one single piece up to three of the rare and intriguing instruments listed below, and you will have to use looping techniques so that one individual can play all three instruments.
The text for each composition must align with the theme of renewal and healing and must be in the public domain.
The work should not exceed the following vocal range (E3 – A5) ~ Scientific Pitch Notation.
The part-writing can be between 1-10 vocal parts but must not exceed ten notes for the choir in any given chord.
Works with large instrumental accompaniment will NOT be considered.
Compositions must not exceed 15 minutes in duration.
Submission Deadlines
Composition Portfolios Due: January 20th, 2024
Composition Portfolios can be submitted (A) Digitally or (B) via US Mail and must include:
A cover letter containing all necessary contact information. Please provide an outline of your education and compositional experience, and include a description of how your composition aligns with our theme and why you chose the specific rare and intriguing instrument.
Please include one professional-quality score of your newly composed piece that meets our compositional guidelines (PDF format only if submitted digitally).
Recordings of your pieces are welcomed but are NOT mandatory (Compact Disc or MP3 format only).
Please package or ZIP all PDFs of the requested portfolio materials and email them to Vox Musica.
See form below
Please mail all requested portfolio materials and current contact information. Include your name on all enclosed documents.
Vox Musica
Composition Call 2024
1017 L Street #333
Sacramento, CA 95814
* Composition Portfolios will NOT be returned to the applicant.
Winning Compositions
Vox Musica will premiere selected compositions at our April 2024 concert. All compositions selected for our performance will be professionally recorded, and each composer will get copies of our digital content.
Three of the original or rewritten compositions submitted will be selected for remuneration.
1st Place Prize - $250
2nd Place Prize - $175
3rd Place Prize - $100
List of Rare and Intriguing Instruments
Bul Bul Tarang (String) [Plays in the keys of D, D#, E]
Desk Bells (Chimes) [A5-G5]
Digeridoo (Woodwind) [Plays in the Key of C]
Duduk (Woodwind) [Plays in the Key of A]
Estes Pedal Organ (Reed) [C1-C5]
Ghatam (Percussion)
Glass harp (Glass) [G4-C7]
Gopi Chand (Percussion String Instrument)
Guzheng (String) [D2-D6]
Hammered Dulcimer (String) [Any Key]
Harpeji (String) [C2-C6]
Hulusi (Woodwind) [Plays in the Key of C Major]
Hurdy Gurdy (String) [All Keys]
Irish Bagpipes (Woodwind) [Plays in the Key of DMj]
Irish Flute (Woodwind) [Plays in the Key of DMj]
Jal Tarang (Percussion) [Any Key]
Kanun (Qanun)(String) [Any Key]
Khamanche (Bowed String) [Plays in the Key of DMj or DMin]
Kora (String) [Plays in the Key of FMj]
Musical Saw (Bowed) [Any Key]
Sarod (String) [Plays in the Key of CMj or CMin]
Shakuhachi (Woodwind) [D3 - D5 in Phrygian Mode]
Tabla (Percussion) [Plays in the Key of A, C, D, G]
Theremin (Electronic Instrument) [Any Key]
Turkish Saz (Bagalama)(String) [Plays in the Key of G]
Veena (String) [Plays in the Key of A and G]
Xiao (Woodwind) [Plays in the Key of DMj or DMin]
The jury for this competition will consist of Vox Musica, their Music Director, and other distinguished choral professionals.
To be considered all materials must be emailed or mailed by: January 20th, 2024.
Materials will NOT be returned to the applicant.
Winning compositions will be notified by February 1st, 2024.
Submit Your Score Here.
Package together all requested portfolio materials, current contact information and provide your name on all enclosed documents. Either submit electronically or mail your composition portfolios to:
Vox Musica
Composition Call 2024
1017 L Street #333
Sacramento, CA 95814